Selling Your Business Not As Easy As 1-2-3

Selling Your Business Not As Easy As 1-2-3

When we speak with entrepreneurs a common misconception is that owners think they can sell their business whenever they feel like and that there will be buyers lining up to give them money. This is unfortunately not a realistic assumption. In fact, statistics from the US site Bizbuysell, has established that only roughly 20% of businesses that list for sale ever sell. That is some really overwhelming numbers. That translates to around 2.16 million businesses in the US, and 1.25 million businesses in Europe that will never sell.

The best way for you to be prepared when the day comes is to schedule a call with us and see if we can work together on future profing and preparing your business for exit. Follow this link to schedule a call at your convenience.  15-Minute Call – Get to Know & How Can We Help?